The Operational Amplifier (op-Amp) and its basic amplifying configurations
Chapitre 1. Introduction to the Operational Amplifier
1.1. Vocabulary
1.2. Use
1.3. Power supply
1.4. Diagram
1.5. Ideal model
1.6. Positive and negative feedback
1.6.1. Positive feedback
1.6.2. Negative feedback
Chapitre 2. Basic amplifier configurations
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1.6. Positive and negative feedback

In the op-amp configurations, the output is often connected to one of the 2 inputs by a passive element (resistor, capacitor, …).

When Vs is fed back to the Vinput+, there is a positive feedback.
When Vs is fed back to the Vinput-, there is a negative feedback.

We will study, on an example, the stability of these two types of configurations, starting from an initial state where ε = 0 and Vs = 0.
The two configurations are the same but the + and – inputs are inverted.

Since I+ = I- = 0, then we can write, VR1 =  α Vs,
α = R1/(R1+R2) being the voltage divider given by R1 and R2.

α is also called the output reaction on the input.

  1.6.1. Positive feedback
  1.6.2. Negative feedback
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