The Operational Amplifier (op-Amp) and its basic amplifying configurations
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Operational Amplifier
1.1. Vocabulary
1.2. Use
1.3. Power supply
1.4. Diagram
1.5. Ideal model
1.6. Positive and negative feedback
Chapter 2. Basic amplifier configurations
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1.3. Power supply

Every amplifier needs a DC power supply in order to provide the necessary energy for the amplification.

The Op-Amp has a double power supply voltage: Valim+ and Valim-.

Generally, these voltages are symmetrical: Valim- = - Valim+ (for example : +15/-15V, +12/-12V, ….)

Nevertheless, this is not always the case: it is not uncommon to have Valim- = 0 (0/9V, 0/5V, …)

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