The CV and cover letter: suggestions and corrected examples
Chapter 1. Advice for writing a CV
1.1. The CV building process
1.2. The core of the CV
1.3 The CV format
Chapter 2. Advice for writing a cover letter
Chapter 3. Specific examples of CVs and cover letters: profiles
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1.3 The CV format

The CV format must adhere to certain requirements. The most important information should be highlighted to showcase skills and be easy to read.

The CV should be regarded as a "window" that convinces the employer to contact the candidate.


  • The CV should be typed.


  • The entire CV must "fit" on size A4 paper for a recent graduate (for those with years of professional experience, the CV may be longer).


  • The CV must be readable : the most important aspects of the CV should be clear immediately. As such, the CV should not be crowded; it should be "well spaced".


  • The page should be organized and balanced. The information should not be packed at the top of the page.


  • The CV should be concise.



  • It is imperative to proof read for spelling mistakes and other errors. Proof read the document and make sure another person takes a look at your CV as well.
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