The CV and cover letter: suggestions and corrected examples
Chapter 1. Advice for writing a CV
Chapter 2. Advice for writing a cover letter
Chapter 3. Specific examples of CVs and cover letters: profiles
3.1. Céline - DUT (Technical University Diploma) in the legal profession and a Master's degree -First job - Responding to a job posting

3.2. Stéphane - Second year DUT in computer science - looking for an internship - spontaneous application

3.3. Solange - DUT GEA (Business administration) - 10 years experience - Responding to a job posting

3.4. Pierre - Currently earning a DUT in SRC (Multimedia Network Services) - first job application - spontaneous application.

3.5. Eric - DUT in computer science and DUT with specialization in communications - one year experience - spontaneous application

3.6. Sylvie - First year DUT in communications - First year internship - spontaneous application

3.7. Muriel - DUT GEA (Business administration) + Bachelors' degree (Insurance, Banc, Finance) - Second job - Responding to a job posting

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Chapter 3. Specific CVs and cover letters examples : profiles

  • Guideline

    • CVs, cover letters, general comments and corrected documents are accessible on the home page in the form of links to each profile. Detailed commentaries on each CV appear inside pop-up squares when scrolling on designated mistakes.

    • If a particular mistake is repeated in the same CV, the problem is only highlighted the first time it occurs.


  • How to use this resource

    Although one can use this resource to consult the examples provided and to read the comments, the best way to benefit from this access is to attempt to find the mistakes yourself and to try to create an improved personal document.


  • Word of caution

    • Putting together a CV and a cover letter is not an exact science; there is a great deal of room for subjectivity. Were this not the case, the same people would receive callbacks for interviews while everyone else's cover letters would end up in the trash.

    • Unless the original CV is too plain and devoid of visual identity, as a general rule, we will respect the original document in order to avoid having too many uniform and impersonal documents.

    • The people, CVs, cover letters, the cities and the locations of the IUTs are all fictional.


3.1. Céline - DUT (Technical University Diploma) in the legal profession and a Master's degree -First job - Responding to a job posting
  3.1.1. Céline's CV
  3.1.2. Céline's letter
3.2. Stéphane - Second year DUT in computer science - looking for an internship - spontaneous application
  3.2.1. Stéphane's CV
  3.2.2. Stéphane's letter
3.3. Solange - DUT GEA (Business administration) - 10 years experience - Responding to a job posting
  3.3.1. Solange's CV
  3.3.2. Solange's letter
3.4. Pierre - Currently earning a DUT in SRC (Multimedia Network Services) - first job application - spontaneous application.
  3.4.1. Pierre's CV
  3.4.2. Pierre's letter
3.5. Eric - DUT in computer science and DUT with specialization in communications - one year experience - spontaneous application
  3.5.1. Eric's CV
  3.5.2. Eric's letter
3.6. Sylvie - First year DUT in communications - First year internship - spontaneous application
  3.6.1. Sylvie's CV
  3.6.2. Sylvie's letter
3.7. Muriel - DUT GEA (Business administration) + Bachelors' degree (Insurance, Banc, Finance) - Second job - Responding to a job posting
  3.7.1. Muriel's CV
  3.7.2. Muriel's letter
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