The CV and cover letter: suggestions and corrected examples
Chapter 1. Advice for writing a CV
Chapter 2. Advice for writing a cover letter
Chapter 3. Specific examples of CVs and cover letters: profiles
3.1. Céline - DUT (Technical University Diploma) in the legal profession and a Master's degree -First job - Responding to a job posting
3.2. Stéphane - Second year DUT in computer science - looking for an internship - spontaneous application
3.3. Solange - DUT GEA (Business administration) - 10 years experience - Responding to a job posting
3.4. Pierre - Currently earning a DUT in SRC (Multimedia Network Services) - first job application - spontaneous application.
3.5. Eric - DUT in computer science and DUT with specialization in communications - one year experience - spontaneous application
3.6. Sylvie - First year DUT in communications - First year internship - spontaneous application
3.7. Muriel - DUT GEA (Business administration) + Bachelors' degree (Insurance, Banc, Finance) - Second job - Responding to a job posting
3.7.1. Muriel's CV
3.7.2. Muriel's letter
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3.7.2. Muriel's letter

After reading the job announcement that Muriel decided to respond to, take a look at the cover letter she wrote, the comments regarding this cover letter and then look at the proposed rewritten version.

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