The CV and cover letter: suggestions and corrected examples
Chapter 1. Advice for writing a CV
1.1. The CV building process
1.2. The core of the CV
1.3 The CV format
Chapter 2. Advice for writing a cover letter
Chapter 3. Specific examples of CVs and cover letters: profiles
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1.2. The core of the CV

The purpose of a CV is to succinctly introduce yourself and demonstrate what you have accomplished and your skills.

Ultimately, a CV is a quick overview of who you are.


Elements of a well-written CV :

  • Precise and complete.
  • Organized : it must have clearly marked sections. There is a common structure to use depending on one's profile (Cf. examples) ;

    • Name
    • Education
    • Foreign languages
    • Professional skills
    • Professional experience
    • Activities

  • The order of each section can vary depending on the writer's profile.
  • If the CV is overly crowded, consider choosing and presenting the information that is most relevant to the job or internship.
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