The Operational Amplifier (op-Amp) and its basic amplifying configurations
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Operational Amplifier
Chapter 2. Basic amplifier configurations
2.1. Inverting configuration
2.2. Non inverting configuration
2.3. Review of the two basic op-amp configurations
2.3.1. Comparison
2.3.2. Interactive exercise
2.4. Op-amp Voltage Follower Configuration
2.5. Adder
2.6. Subtractor
2.7. Interactive exercise : name the basic functions
2.8. Virtual Lab : review of the 5 Op-Amp configurations that we have studied
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2.3.1. Comparison

It is fundamental to master the inverting and non-inverting configurations.

Indeed, they are at the basis of the most op-amp  structures: adder and subtractor (that we will cover further), but also integrator, derivator, filter. …

On order to recognize them :

Ve applied to the input + : non inverting configuration.
Ve applied to the input – : inverting configuration.




Ve and Vs

Opposite signs

Same signs

<, = ou > 1

≥ 1

Re (=R input)

Ve/I1 = R1

Ve/I- = ∞

Rs (=R output)



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