The Operational Amplifier (op-Amp) and its basic amplifying configurations
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Operational Amplifier
Chapter 2. Basic amplifier configurations
2.1. Inverting configuration
2.2. Non inverting configuration
2.3. Review of the two basics op-amp configurations
2.4. Op-amp voltage follower configuration
2.5. Adder
2.6. Subtractor
2.7. Interactive exercise : name the basic functions
2.8. Virtual Lab : review of the 5 Op-Amp configurations tath we have studied
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2.4. Op-amp Voltage Follower Configuration

This is a particular case of the non-inverting amplifier for which R1 = and R2 = 0.

We obtain Vs/Ve = 1.
and a perfect impedence adapter, since Re = ,  Rs = 0

We can verify in the virtual lab that the output follows the input (amplification = 1).

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