The CV and cover letter: suggestions and corrected examples
Chapter 1. Advice for writing a CV
Chapter 2. Advice for writing a cover letter
2.1. Preparing to write the letter
2.2. The core of the cover letter
2.3. The format of the cover letter
Chapter 3. Specific examples of CVs and cover letters: profiles
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2.1. Preparing to write the letter

  • Before writing the cover letter, reread the job announcement and jot down the important elements, take note of the skills, qualities, and experience that is required of the person applying for the internship or job.


  • Write a ROUGH DRAFT of the cover letter (Cf. advice later on in this document).


  • Write a second draft as if it was the final draft, and pay particular attention to the length of the letter, it should only be one page.


  • Keep a copy of the final letter to help guide you before an interview. Should you be called for an interview, look at the cover letter again as part of the preparation for the interview.
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