The CV and cover letter: suggestions and corrected examples
Chapter 1. Advice for writing a CV
Chapter 2. Advice for writing a cover letter
2.1. Preparing to write the letter
2.2. The core of the cover letter
2.3. The format of the cover letter
Chapter 3. Specific examples of CVs and cover letters: profiles
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2.2. The core of the cover letter

The purpose of a cover letter is :

- to highlight the points made on the CV that are relevant to the job you are seeking.
- demonstrate your abilities and usefulness (skills, qualities, strengths) to the recruiter. What can you bring to this job or company ?
- demonstrate your enthusiasm to be part of the company.


  • It is important to follow a rigorous outline when writing the cover letter.


  • The cover letter is not just a formal document that accompanies the CV. It makes the case for why you are the best-qualified person for the job.


  • Do not repeat what is in the CV : the cover letter should explain how you would successfully contribute in the role you want to play in the company.


  • The cover letter is a personal document : do not recopy a generic "model". Each cover letter should have variations depending on the company or job for which you are applying.



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